‘Wheel of Fortune’ Contestant Solves ‘Will You Marry Me?’ Puzzle, Gets a Ring

A former Wheel of Fortune contestant who believed she was being invited back on the show as part of its 50th-anniversary celebration solved the “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” puzzle and was stunned when her now-fiancé emerged from backstage to pop the question.

Rhea Mathew had last appeared on the top-rated game show in October of 2023. Her appearance this past Thursday was actually the culmination of an elaborate ruse coordinated by Mathew’s boyfriend, Robin Kuriakose, and the show’s producers.

“From the moment I saw a future together with Rhea, I envisioned this proposal,” Kuriakose told Good Morning America. “I saw the letters on the board, and knew this is how it had to happen. Truthfully, there were no plans B or C! It took about three months to plan it alongside the amazing producers of the show.”

With only five letter revealed during a toss-up round, Mathew buzzed in and confidently shouted out the solution to the “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” puzzle. At the same time, Kuriakose, who had been waiting in the wings, stepped onto the set.

Clearly shocked by his appearance, Mathew slowly put two and two together and approached her boyfriend with her hands covering her mouth.

Kuriakose pulled an oval-cut diamond ring from a ring box, went down on one knee and proposed with the phrase, “Rhea Susan Mathew, will you marry me?”

Mathew nodded “yes” and the couple shared a kiss.

The studio audience let out a cheer and the hosts were clearly moved by the heartfelt moment.

In a shared post on instagram, the couple wrote, “@everyone !!! We have been nearly BURSTING with excitement to share the details of our proposal!! Tune in to @wheeloffortune TONIGHT on ABC to catch @rkuriakose put my jaw on the floor doing the sweetest, most elaborate thing anyone has ever done for me.” She punctuated the caption with a Holding Back Tears emoji, Loudly Crying Face emoji, red heart emoji and diamond ring emoji.

“Like the rest of America, I saw the shock on her face — with her jaw on the floor and her eyes wide open,” said Kuriakose in a post-show interview with Good Morning America. “All I wanted to do at that moment was embrace her to bring her back to reality, and show her the magic she deserves.”

The couple is planning an October wedding in Long Island, NY.

Credits: Wheel of Fortune set images via YouTube / WheelofFortune. Selfie and engagement pics via Instagram / rheamathew_.


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